My pride and joy!

My pride and joy!
Apple Picking in Cashmere,WA

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Different ways to grow potatoes

First of all I would like to thank Mr.Sunshine for finally making his apperance and allowing us to enjoy the warmth of his rays.. It's been a hard few weeks with the constant rain and gloomy days, but I think we are on our way out of that..

Over the weekend I went down to the Grange in Issaquah to pick up starter potatoes. No, you can't just use those potatoes from the store (I wonder why, I should check that out?!?!)
I got a few varieties to grow, though today I just started with one type.

I decided to re-try growing potatoes in a garbage can..This is my first start of potatos until I get my supplies for the potatoe towers..
Potatoe Towers

The Garbage Can

Start with compost and straw as a layer

Matthew layering in the potatoes

Good night Burbank Potatoes

See you soon!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Cucumber is growing

Matthew Cucumber Seedling has a sister... Brooklyn Cucumber Seedling has emerged beside him, though I am sad to say that she may not be joining him in the garden.. We will see, as I am going to try to split them into two different plants.

Outside I went on a beautiful Tuesday and started to work on a home for Mr. Cucumber.
It took me awhile to figure out where to put him as it's all about length of sun, spacing and whether or not it would create shade for other plants.

I decided to put it beside the strawberry bed (which may not be the strawberry bed for much longer).
The shade would be projected behind the bed but not to shade the raspberry patch.. Trial and error is how this will work..

I took and old trellis and nailed it into the side of the box for support.. Then I added extra netting around it to help the cucumber grow up the trellis.

Because I am putting the cucumber in a wine barrel, I didn't want to waste so much soil for a little plant. I layed the bottom half with styroform (will not decompose, but is more used as a filler) and the rest with compost and potting soil.  I will have to wait for a couple of weeks to transplate Mr. Matthew as the seedling still has to grown and I have to warm up the soil (covering it with a black weed barrier cloth)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Birth of the Cucumbers

What started out as a poke of green this morning, turned into a one inch long seedling.. I can't believe it grew that much in just a day..

Two weeks ago March 23rd, I planted the seeds in our heated greenhouse and out emerged  Mr. Matthew Seedling (yes, he has been named.. can you guess who named him??) today.
This is our cucumber plant, I am excited to see what becomes of him.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Today was "Create a Pot"

Still stuck inside due to the unseasonably cold weather, we again got inspired by my friend Ashley and created our own Flower Pot.

Directions on how to create this pretty Flower Pot:
Flower Power

Even Miss Brooklyn got into the action with Food Coloring and Yogurt

Another round of "Y"ucky weather-Where are you spring?

This last few days have been really "Y"ucky  (I did that for Matthew as he is learning the letter "Y" at preschool this week..
Some inspirations from family and friends helped us find some indoor crafts to do.

The kids and I decided to make Daddy a happy birthday card..  I went searching for a couple of web sites to help with some ideas.
 Supplies needed:
  • A piece of light-colored construction paper (white, pale blue, pale yellow, etc.) - for the backgound
  • One piece of brightly-colored construction paper - for the flower petals
  • A photo of the child
  • Scissors
  • Glue - I just used tape
  • Green tempera paint
  • A brush (or just use your finger)
  • Pen or pencil

1) Cut a circle around the head of a picture of a child (this will be the center of the flower.

2) Cut a flower shape out of colorful construction paper. Make sure that the flower is a bit bigger than the round picture of the child, but small enough so that it will fit on the paper.
3)Glue the paper flower towards the top of a piece of paper.

4) Using green tempera paint, draw a stem for your flower

5)Have the child make two green (or whatever color you want) handprints near the base of the stem - these will be the flower's leaves.
  • This was quite fun to attempt with a 10mth old
6) Glue the picture of the child to the center of the flower.

7)Write the child's name (and the date, if you wish) on the paper.
You now have an adorable keepsake of your child.
Matthew age 3.5yrs and Brooklyn age 10mths.
Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here comes the Raspberries!!

Yesterday, before the crazy weather attacked us, we got out to a raspberry bed..
Brooklyn was napping (kinda the only time the hubby and I can get a project done together), and off we went to plant the raspberries. I had to run inside to re-read the website that I found with planting instructions.. (Don't want to goof up!)

How I learned how to plant rasperries.

The clearing starts...

Matthew is such a great helper

After the weed and overgrowth was cleared out, the cocktail of soil mixture starts..

Gotta lime up the soil first

Then a little smelly manure, veggies love it

Now, getting the posts in..
About 4 feet high and 8 feet long

 3 bare root raspberries, waiting to
 be planted

Self Portait!

Our Raspberries